by Kathryn Rally | Mar 29, 2014 | Tests
Blood tests in pregnancy are an important aspect of a healthy pregnancy. And as long as they are conducted properly with a sterile needle, they pose no danger to the mother or baby. So why should you submit yourself to that little prick when your doctor or...
by Kathryn Rally | Mar 29, 2014 | Health/Safety, Tests
So throughout your pregnancy, your doctor or midwife will likely hand you a little white cup and ask you to pee in it. Urine tests in pregnancy can reveal an astonishing amount of information in a very short time period. First, a well-hydrated individual...
by Kathryn Rally | Mar 29, 2014 | Health/Safety, Tests
During your pregnancy you’re bound to learn an entirely new vocabulary. One word your doctor is sure to use is amniocentesis. Amniocentesis test in pregnancy is important for your pregnancy health. Find out more through reading this blog. This word refers to a...
by Kathryn Rally | Mar 24, 2014 | Eating, Nutrition/Weight
Who needs meat for a healthy pregnancy? Not you! It is entirely possible to enjoy a healthy vegetarian pregnancy. In fact, many cultures around the world embrace meat-light or meat-free diets and have perfectly healthy babies. However, it is a...
by Kathryn Rally | Mar 24, 2014 | Exercise
Maintaining a workout routine while pregnant is extremely important both for you and for your baby. And while some exercise such as running may become too strenuous later in pregnancy, many exercises such as yoga and stretching may be safely performed throughout...