by Kathryn Rally | Mar 5, 2014 | Preparing for Childbirth
Parents have several options when it comes to the best cord blood bank to donate their baby’s cord blood. Where some parents choose to donate their baby’s cord blood to national bank to help others fighting diseases such as lymphoma, other may choose to bank...
by Kathryn Rally | Mar 5, 2014 | Preparing for Childbirth
Blood can save lives. This is particularly true of cord blood. The blood within the umbilical cord contains high amounts of the blood-forming cells that can battle serious medical conditions such as leukemia and lymphoma among other blood diseases. ...
by Kate Jones | Feb 15, 2014 | Body Changes, Discomforts, Health/Safety
Urinary tract infections are bacterial infections of the urinary tract. UTI in pregnancy are common to the pregnant women from their sixth to their 24th gestate week. They are different than the ordinary UTI’s because of the missed signs, and if we do not treat the...
by Kathryn Rally | Feb 14, 2014 | Delivery Options, Labor and Delivery
In this blog, you will read the 5 birth positions you haven’t considered but you should. Find out more through reading this blog. We’ve all seen the Hollywood portrayal of birth: the star is either on a hospital bed mid-Lamaze breath or sprawled out in the back of a...
by Kathryn Rally | Feb 14, 2014 | Early Symptoms, Stages
If you’re trying to conceive it’s important to know the early signs of pregnancy. The sooner you realize you’re pregnant, the better you can begin taking care of yourself and your baby. During the 40 weeks you carry your baby you won’t actually be pregnant...